MIS 322 - Fall 2012

Monday, October 1, 2012

Google Glassses

by: Kale Blackshear

This is Google cofounder Sergey Brin wore a Project Glass prototype at a charity function in San Francisco in April.

In class we discussed a-little about technology on how its development is blowing some people minds, especially our older generation. My picture above is the Google co-founder Sergey Brin, who invented the Google glasses, which shows you everything from the weather to today’s news all in the right corner. Not only does it do that, it also capture pictures and FaceTime and Skype with your friends at the same time even if they don’t have the glasses. 

This is the video for the txt below!


This is a video on how the Google Glasses work. Great quality. This is a video of a mother and here new born, She is capturing every special moment, and sharing them with her family who is located in France through the photos, and videos that is synchronizing through Google glasses. It is a new innovative way for people to stay abreast with current events and to adapt to new technology that is place in a simple device that you wear on your face.


  1. These Google Glasses are definitely some head turners. The technological advances of today's society are impressive and I believe there's no place to go, but up. Yes technology is an amazing thing and it assists in the daily activities of the average individual, but how will all of these climbing innovations affect generations to come?

  2. Those glasses are quite amazing. I look forward to seeing there progression and how they may be implemented in video gaming or films in the near future.

  3. I think the concept of the glasses is great. It is crazy how they can fit a cpu into glasses that is powerful enough for video chat, navigation, scheduling, etc. and it seems to do it without lag or load time.
