MIS 322 - Fall 2012

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Texas Secede

BY: David Quinn

The article is about an online petition that is requesting that the State of Texas be excluded from the rest of the nation and become a separate country with its own government and laws.  This petition currently has 34,000 signatures, which passes the 25,000-signature mark in order to be reviewed and decided upon by the White House.  Micah H. created the petition and it states the economic situation that we are in and says that the State of Texas has enough resources and the correct budget to branch off from the nation.  I personally do not agree nor believe in this petition. The petition will not be considered at all and what about the rest of the people of Texas, not everybody approves.  If Texas were its own Government how would they defend themselves from attacks? The people that signed this petition probably want to return to the Civil Rights Days. What are your opinions?


  1. I think its funny that Texas is attempting to secede. What Texans failed to realize is that secession would prevent them from receiving aid from the federal government. Any citizens of Texas that receive welfare benefits would cease to receive them. Texans would also need to get a visa to enter the rest of the United States and have a separate Passport to enter the United States. Therefore I find their notion of seceding to be completely ridiculous.

  2. I think it's ridiculous that Texas would secede. Why potentially start another civil war? It almost feels like an attack on Obama because they are angry with how he was reelected.

  3. Its like a gold fish in the ocean. It wouldnt make sense to make such a hasty and ridiculous decision like that. They would probably get invaded by Mexico lol!

  4. This is nothing short of crazy because every state that secedes would have to create, manufacture, and disseminate their own currency...not to mention come up with the resources (i.e. gold) that makes it actually worth something.

    A famous quote from Jesus found in Mt. 20:21 of the Holy Bible states, "Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's..." And in case you haven't noticed, the top of our bills say "Federal Reserve Note" AND "The United States of America." If you're no longer affiliated or a part of the United States of America, then US currency is worthless unless you're using it the United States of America OR an area that has worked out a currency exchange agreement with the United States of America.

    You wouldn't be able to use it in your own territory without some involvement of the federal government...the same federal government you no longer want to be a part of. The REAL fun part of it all would be figuring out the exchange rate between a seceded state and the rest of the Union. Have fun with that (y)

  5. This is unquestionably a crazy situation. The decision to try and secede is not only rash, but inconsiderate as Anthony says. I think the attempt to secede is one that did not take into account all the issues associated with it and ultimately will not be considered.

  6. The first time I heard about this I was with my peers from Texas. I was disappointed to know how prevalent racism still was in Texas and other parts of the south. It hurt me that people living in a free nation are still stuck on pre- civil war ideologies and view points which is actually sad. I believe people are making emotional decisions and are not being logically at all. I completely agree with everyone who has commented above me. My first thought of the state seceding was if they want to they must pay the National Debt first and then they are free to leave and until that is done then seceding wouldn't be an option. By the time these states would attempt to build capital and gain assets that DONT belong to the United States it would be time to elect a new president which makes their efforts pointless and stupid.

  7. This is buffoonery, for them to even think about seceding is absurd. I cannot even begin to fathom this idea of becoming a separate state. This will never get passed because America is a great nation and if they did the Cartel will probably just invade Texas.
