BY: Brandon Chase Thomas

In light of the coming of a new age and the progression of information and technology many phones have integrated from in storage hard space to external space know as the “cloud”. The cloud has been a very integral part of class. In addition the cloud aids to the productivity of our lives wither we know it or not. The growth of the cloud extends not only in to our work lives but our personal lives as well. I myself love photography because it makes memories immortal.
The benefit of the cloud now allows one to be able to keep memories even when your phone is stolen or you doing have a cord to sync information to your computer. The advancements of camera on phones have increased tremendously. Allowing for full 1080 video recordings even down to instant portrait shoots that in less than a min we can upload to social networks for our friends and family to see and experience second hand.
Upon doing some minor research with cameras I stumbled on a video that mention the advancement of camera speed more than quality. And yes that is 1,000,000,000,000 frames per second. Which quite frankly places the expensive Cannon, Nikon, and Sony DSLR cameras to shame.
After watching the video I’m sure you heard him mention that in the future phone cameras will be able to take pictures of produce and be able to see if its ripe on the inside. For those of you that didn’t take the time to watch the clip in its entirety having a camera that takes photos/frames this fast it will be able to take and record moving light. Which would allow people to see through objects without using a X-ray machine.
But until that time, how can we enhance the camera we already have.
Well with the iPhone, one of Apples most popular item has 3rd party company’s working to meet this demand
Overall the camera is a powerful tool and one we have all used during some moment of our lives. With the future around the corner, as well as your next photo it is very important that we are aware of the cloud. Yes it has its advantages, however, with cameras that can take photos around corners and possibly through our clothing it would be smart to be knowledgeable of this type of information.
However, until then enjoy what we have now and be hopeful for medical advancements in the years to come.
Brandon - This was an interesting blog post. I like the use of the TED video. I hope that we will one day have the technological advancements that will make things mentioned in the video possible/feasible/accessible for the general public or trained professionals. Often times great ideas are kept in laboratories and never get the chance to innovate and benefit society. Having a camera that can see through people without blasting the patient with a unhealthy dose of radioactive particles (CAT Scans & X-ray machines) would be a great accomplishment in the medical field.
ReplyDeleteI have been a strong advocate of cloud computing for some time now. A good thing to mention is how companies such as Google, Apple and Amazon are pushing their consumers to store all of their files onto the cloud. Files such as: music, movies, pictures and documents will soon all be store on a cloud.
ReplyDeleteApple and Google have both been pushing hard to promote their cloud systems (iCloud & Google Drive). Google has even made a purely cloud-based laptop called the Chromebook.
Cloud computing will make computers faster, since less hard drive space will used and increase the utility of computers, since you will now be able to access all of your files from any computer.
Cloud computing is definitely the way of the future. With more computer getting thinner, smaller, and taking away traditional components like cd and DVD drives, having a place to free up more room on your device is very important. Many times people only store important information on their hardware so if and when something happens to it they are pretty much out of luck. Being able to store things wirelessly and in a cloud system is a lot more reliable. Yes there is the fear of hacking and personal information being jeopardized so just be careful what you have stored and where you are storing it.
ReplyDeleteBrandon-Great post! With the increasing number of career paths allowing employees to work from home, it's interesting to see the powerful impact of cloud computing. However, I can't help but question what the implications are for one's privacy. With marketing companies buying information to better understand consumer behavior. what is the limit? How much does a complete stranger really know about you if they access your cloud files and photos? Nonetheless, great post.
ReplyDeleteThe cloud is a very interesting and unique tool that amazes me every day. Still not completely sold on it, so I usually store more important documents to my hardrive but its amazing how phone, computer, and hand held data is just floating up there being stored,however this is the way of the future.
ReplyDeleteThe cloud is definitely the way to go. The capabilities are great and the use of it within the corporate world are even better. Like Kieran said with the increasing number of careers that allow you to be home and still be efficient in the workforce its relieving to see the job opportunities expand. But like anything other information base, the contents of this cloud can and probably will be sold to marketing firms.
ReplyDeleteCloud technology has made it easily accessible to access stored data on multiple devices. With Apple's cloud-based services I have access to all my files, photos, videos, and music through all my apple products. I love the fact how I can store photos taken from my phone and view them on my ipad without physically saving the photos to the device.