MIS 322 - Fall 2012

Monday, November 5, 2012

Mentors needed

BY: Robert Newman

A formal education in today's society is on the most valuable asset a person could have. It is the difference between working at McDonalds and becoming a CEO of a company. But does today's educational system really provide our youth with the necessary tools to become a CEO? I personally do not believe it does. So how do we prepare the minds of tomorrow to becoming successful if the education system isn't doing it? The answer is simple, we must mentor the youth.

There is a very subtle yet distinct difference between teaching someone and mentoring someone. Teaching is often a formalized process where one or more people are instructing or informing someone about a specific topic. Mentoring however is a more personal and intimate process. It requires the mentor to actually get to know the individual that he or she is wishes to help. Mentoring is a process in which the mentor must meet the mentee wherever he or she is in their life and fight to help them move forward.

The reason mentoring is so important especially in today's society is because it helps to fill the void that the education system leaves. It gives people a chance to teach others things that they wish they knew when they were at the same place in their life. It also gives youth who are being mentored insight into the world that they otherwise would not have received. It also inspires youth to achieve more. They are able to see someone that is successful and in turn that lets them know that success is a not just a dream, but a future outcome of work and discipline.


  1. I completely agree with this post. In my LPD class, Dr. White talked about one of the people that someone needs to have in their life is a mentor. Nowadays, there is an added emphasis on the importance of mentoring, and for people to help mentor youth. I have mentored children from a couple different schools, and I know it helps them, but it also helps me grow as a person.

  2. I agree with Oke. I feel like mentoring is a give and take relationship. In addition to providing the mentee with advice on future decisions and giving them the hope of a better quality of life, the mentor is also learning and reflecting on his own choices and the choices of the mentee. Everyone needs some kind of guidance no matter what stage in life they find themselves.

  3. I agree with both comments. It is essential for anyone who wishes to be successful to have some form of a mentor, some sort of guidance in their journey. I can personally attest to the benefits of both having several mentors and even at my young age mentoring to those younger than me. It is of great importance that we as black people turn from our selfish ways and begin to give back to our community. Something as simple as providing advice can go miles for someone who is in dire need of guidance. When we give back we're investing in the success of other people and that is what is most important.

  4. Even if you do not have a mentor, it would be beneficial to be a mentor to others. I think you’ll find that, in helping others, you will also help yourself. When you realize the gravity of someone observing what you’re doing, you realize your own mistakes and how you need to correct them.

  5. I agree with Rodrick. Mentorship works positively in both ways. This semester I have been volunteering at B.E.S.T. Academy, which is an all boys school in SW, Atlanta. Being a mentor sets up a system of accountability. In order to push a mentee to do better for himself, he has to see you do better for yourself. If you are not pushing yourself than your mentee can easily detect it, and he or she will then feel like it is okay for themself to do the same.

  6. I totally agree that mentors are needed in one’s personal development, no matter one’s age or stage in life. I see and feel the difference of having mentors back home but not establishing mentors at Morehouse, especially in my career path. It sometimes feels like I am walking in the dark. It is important get a mentor that has gone before and can forewarn about challenges, provide solutions to problems, and inform you on ways to make your dreams come true. I feel it is also important to have a mentor in your corner that can champion the winner inside of you. At the end of the day, at this present point, we all have something to give or say to benefit those younger than you. If we choose not to, this leaves another generation growing up in the dark, possibly insecure about their capabilities, and prone to make mistakes that can ultimately cost them their dreams.
