MIS 322 - Fall 2012

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Encouragement from a Young Prodigy

Charles Wolford  BY:
From day one in this course, Professor Sistrunk has taught us the importance of making sure we know how to effectively use resources such as excel to be able to gain an advantage over others in the workplace. I believe that there is an even greater lesson to be learned from his advice. If we make it our goal to become educated and to educate ourselves in areas that commonly get overlooked we will be able to open doors for our future that our degrees alone can not. For example we've learned the importance of understanding our budgets and how to invest our money properly and how many people our age are overlooking the importance of doing so. I'm beginning to see that this course is about much more than learning computer skills but it also about learning and developing life skills that will prepare us for the future.
I would like to share with you all a news story that has motivated me to better understand and take advantage of the resources that have been given to me. Here is a story about a 15-year old boy named Kelvin Doe from Sierra Leonne who is a self-taught engineer. The video shows the story behind why he started to invent and teach himself different things in order to better himself anf the community he lives in. Because of his great acheivements Kelvin became the youngest person in history to be invited to the "Visiting Practitioner's Program" at MIT.

I chose this story because it reminded me of how many opportunities we have as men of Morehouse College that we take for granted, but meanwhile there are people who are less fortunate but still inventing ways to impact their communities and the world with their minds. We should not only make it a goal to make oursleves successful but to inspire others along the way to do the same. So lets apply these skills we have learned in class and become the sucessful inspirational men that we are all destined to be.


  1. Imagine all of the untapped talent and opportunity exist in third world companies. This article put a smile on my face. One thing I truly admired about the story, was Kelvin's commitment to his community. Although he went to America and saw the opportunity and success he could achieve he was focussed on improving his community. Many successful black males fail to go back to their communities and improve them with their talents, strengths and time.

  2. Great to see how someone like Kelvin commitment to his community shows how there still people in the world that cares.

  3. This is a great story. This article serves as a reminder to all of us that it is still possible to be successful no matter what. Here is a young man who seems to have created something out of what most people would consider nothing. If it is possible for him to do what he is doing especially at his age I know that I personally have no excuse why I should not excel.

  4. This is really inspiring. For us to have all these resources and this young kid has next to nothing and is far ahead of most of us is absolutely amazing.

  5. This is an amazing story. I'm mostly excited because it's one of the first stories I've heard about Sierra Leone residents not associated with the panning for diamonds. Kelvin represents the multitude of talented youth that interest needs to be invested in to ensure a fruitful future.
    His leadership and tenacity are by far his most impressive characteristics. I would be remiss if I did not reiterate how awesome this story is!

  6. This article and video are extremely inspirational. Seeing a young man be able to do so much with so little resources is incredible. There is so much talent across the globe that has not been discovered and it just shows us that we should be looking in other places for talent. I think the main point that we need to get from this post is that we should do our best work in all that we do. If someone less fortunate can do incredible things, we can too.

  7. This is a great inspirational story, being that my family is from Sierra Leone and Liberia made it even more touching. This video motivated me even more to help out my fellow West African community to prosper for the future. It shows you while you are focus anything are achievable. I look forward to seeing what else he will accomplish in Sierra Leone.

  8. I agree. We have a once in a lifetime chance here at Morehouse to better our future. We need to practice good professional habits now so that we can set ourselves up nice for the future.I also thought the video was very interesting. Makes me want to do something big.

  9. This article is refreshing. There are many negative stories about African countries and the people there but this shows that the country is more than war and poverty.

  10. It is always a great thing to see young African Americans paving a way for themselves. We are branded with a negative connotation in society and we as Morehouse Men have a wonderful opportunity to change it. I think that we can serve as a medium to search for inspirational stories just like this one and bring them to the forefront.

  11. This was a very humbling video and article. To see how motivated this young man was with barely nothing at his disposal was incredible. This makes me realize how greatful i should be for the opportunities i have at hand.

  12. I first caught wind of this video a few weeks ago and was extremely impressed by this young mans ingenuity and ability to self-educate to the point where he can make functioning appliances. I am excited at the prospect of a young African man making waves in international technology circles. If there's anything for us to take away from his story, it's that "where there's a will, there's a way."

  13. The story about the young lad from Sierra Leone is definitely a touching one. This along with many other similar stories are testaments to the fact that there is nothing that we cannot do. As young men pursing degrees and eventually full time jobs, we need to realize our potential NOW. We need to understand that there are over 7 billion people in the world and we are very replaceable. As a collective we need to do better

  14. After watching the clip in its entirety. i found the story to be very inspirational and quite motivating. I say the least is shows how much we as a current society are not "hungry." We have lost the drive to succeed and be greater. The honest truth is that if we had the same drive as a society as this young boy we as America would be 3x better if not more. For me this article just made me rethink my own work ethic and drive and put everything in prospective.
