MIS 322 - Fall 2012

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Where are the jobs? - Marcus Anthony Alford

This past Monday we began a discussion about the various stages the US has been through and what age they are transitioning into today. The US began in the agricultural age. Successful people in this age were usually farmers with a lot of land and livestock. The US would later move into the industrial age an age of large factories and new technology. The successful people in the agricultural age would be forced to adapt to the new age or they would fall by the waist side. We then began to discuss current day environments. What age were we in today?

Dr. Sistrunk explained that the jobs provided by large factories during the industrial age were beginning to fade away and replaced by new technology. In order to not fall by the waist side like some of the successful people in the agricultural age did when times changed one must adapt. It is important to know were jobs with good pay and high employment opportunities will be after one has graduated. I am a native of Athens, GA so I decided to do an extensive search of jobs with good pay and high employment in the state of Georgia.

This led me to a site I have frequently used before gacollege411.org that has information ranging from high school planning to career planning. The site offered a chart with the hot careers in Georgia, their salaries, and annual expected job openings. I hope this information is informative and inspires others to look into the hot careers in the states they plan on working in.


  1. http://money.cnn.com/galleries/2010/pf/jobs/1010/gallery.best_jobs_highest_paid.moneymag/index.html

    I have posted a link above which displays a list of the 20 most profitable occupations in the country. After reading Marcus' post I became curious to know which jobs nation wide received the most prestige in accordance to education. It seems that in the age of technology that we live in, where education and job specialization are highly sought after, that those jobs that pay the most also require extensive education and skill. With America transitioning from an era of industrialization, where does this mean for the evolving job market?

  2. I like this comment because it adds to the discussion and the knowledge base.


  3. This post kind of hit home to me in a few aspects. Primarily as a native of Detroit Michigan I got to experience first hand the powerful transition from an industrial economy to a more technological based economy. Starting with the collapse of the big three automotive companies (General Motors, Ford, Chrysler) . The 2008 recession spelled in plain letters what our economy was heading towards and what changes needed to be effectively made in order to thrive in it.


    Articles such as the one posted above were only the tip of the iceberg for the automotive industry. It was disheartening watching thousands lose their jobs, executive officers resigning from their prospective positions, and factories closing completely due to this economic tragedy. I have family and friends who are still suffering from the aftershock of this recession. I really appreciated this post Mr. Alford

  4. I found this post to be interesting. From looking at the link, I saw that jobs in the field that I am planning to go into would be considered as "hot" in the state of GA. Being that I plan to reside in this state after graduation, it is good to know the outlook for this area. Mr. Sledge's post broadened my view of the whole outlook because I was able to see jobs/careers all over the US. This helped because in the future I may decide to move out of Georgia and it is a good thing to know that I will hopefully be able to find work.

  5. The link of the jobs in GA is an excellent post for me as I plan to stay after graduating for a while. Seeing what jobs are hot and knowing where the employment opportunities are hiring most. After the state of the economy and emerging takeover of technology its good to have a feel of where to go for work.

  6. This post definitely grabbed my attention, being as though I am a graduating senior here at Morehouse College. Post graduating my plans are to stay here in Atlanta for a couple of years, as i gain experience in my career field. The link provided by Quentin Sledge was very useful as i was able to review the jobs that are promising here in the Atlanta area and more so in my career field..
