MIS 322 - Fall 2012

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

I ain't trying to pay no taxes

BY: Jamal Love

With these elections coming up around the corner social issues are in the forefront. One of the biggest issues is the subject of should the wealthy pay more on their taxes. The video below will show Governor Jerry Brown of California’s standpoint on this topic.

At this point and time I agree that the rich should pay more taxes because the wealth gap is growing wider. I come from a middle income household that is trying to support two kids in college. This is becoming difficult due to the current economy.

My question to you all is should the rich pay more taxes or you all feel that since you earned that money you shouldn’t be taxed just because you are in a different bracket?

1 comment:

  1. There are different ways to think about it. I think it depends on the type of wealthy person. Someone like Bill Gates or Oprah give back to the world in major ways. Where as other Millionaires don't care to give and only do so so they wont be taxed as high. I do see the unfairness for middle and lower class. However, I would hate to have to give away 3million dollars to the government regardless if i was making 30 million or more relatively regardless of percentage its a lot of money. I personally feel that the rich should be required to give back to the communities more than taxes.
